Sunday 10 May 2009

Mucho balagan

The last weeks were full of Israelitas. For my short life, I do enough with them.
But who use whom? That's the question with many answers.

After my balagan time, someone told me that some Israeli guys that travel in group, used to share their girls. And on the other hands, it was me trying to got some new experiences with Israelis because for this side of the world, they are known for their excellent performance in bed and their great "buddy"

And maybe here is the answer, it was a cultural (aka sex) interchange... is that worng? how society could see that? Do you think am i the only one that do it just for pleasure....

This time, my experience with this bunch of Israelis were weird. At first time, I felt guilty, guilty of what? who knows? I felt the pressure of the society, I'm acting bad not like a girl of her house, with education and a great job. And all them were around me like lions waiting for their prey... I've already known one of them: Israelita 1. The others were his bro's in the trip..but how care the bro... ok, let's try the sharing thingy but I need to know if they are cute... 4 Israeli guys were stand up in front of me... ok you and you and the best for me...

But at the end, i cant i cant! For free and open sex, I know you don't need have a commitment with the other one but you need chemestry... and with that doesn't matter how cute is the guy or not.

One of the rejected israelitas didn't understand.. but I'm cute, you told me that... me: yes but you are just a cute face, you DON'T MAKE ME HORNY, so he began to touch me and was like ok.. what the hell are you doing? with that I don't wanna nothing... the g uys was speechless... I'm not an expert in the subject but c'mon at least I know what i want and deffo this guy was far from what i want. So what should I do, answered the guy.

I wans't in the mood to explain what to do... use your imagination if you have... and the guys didn't have... I called israeli 1 and told him, hey i don't wanna this shit, if you wanna a whore go to the street and find one... no noo Urpi, please c'mon so sorry honey, I though you wanna... I interrupted him: no baby, i don't want it.

He hugged me and repeat like a zillion of time: so sorry honey... let's go to our room.

PS> just for your information 'balagan' is like mess in Hebrew.

1 comment:

  1. hola, están interesantes tus historias, voy a ponerme a leerlas, me gustaría saber más sobre ti, vi tu comentario en mi blog, ojalá me agregues al msn para poder conversar ;)
