Tuesday 21 April 2009

Cute Brothers

One day, walking around, I heard rumors about the back of a group of brothers that just lost her mom and dad. They used to live there but they left the country when their parents died, they back to their own country in Central America. Now, after a few months, the old sister decided that they have to back to their old house and stay all together. Their old house were in my neighbour.
The young ladies told be that the guys are so cute but a bit arrogant and that it was a bit difficult to have a friendship with them because they were a close family and that their friends were just a few.
I was a bit curious of meeting them but at the same time I wasn’t interested in arrogant people, so I continue my life.
After a few weeks, I was doing my hair when I saw through the window a cute tall boy. I was at home with some friends and I asked them about the guy. He’s one of the brothers, the old one; one of the girls answered me… and I just though that he is really cute.
Later, my friends and I decided to have a walk in the little forest that was in our town and for my good luck, the cute brothers decided the same. They were so nice and say hello to my friends and quickly they realize that I was a newbie so they interchange a few words with me… I had to confess that I was so nervous because my friends talked to them as they were celebrities but I notice that they were so normal and nice, specially the old one.

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